Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to communicate clearly the personal information handling practices of Velich Advisory Pty Ltd and its affiliated companies, in accordance with relevant legislation.

2. Introduction

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring the privacy of individuals. Velich Advisory Pty Ltd complies with the following: National Privacy Principles – Australian Privacy Act 1988, Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001. This policy outlines the way Velich Advisory Pty Ltd collects, uses and discloses personal information, and the procedures that allow access to this information.

3. Body of policy

All personal information that is collected and held by Velich Advisory Pty Ltd is dealt with in a consistent manner and every effort is made to maintain its security.

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd collects and holds personal information about recipients of Velich Advisory Pty Ltd services and other individuals who interact with Velich Advisory Pty Ltd. This information typically includes name, address and telephone details, email address, and may also include other personal information (e.g., resumes) and financial information. This information facilitates the provision of Velich Advisory Pty Ltd services such as marketing and training and allows Velich Advisory Pty Ltd to contact individuals and companies.

Business needs may require the disclosure of personal information to related service providers. In appropriate cases, Velich Advisory Pty Ltd will endeavour to inform the individual of the type of personal information held, the reasons for disclosure, and the type of individuals and organisations to whom it is usually disclosed. Personal information where required by law will be disclosed.

3.1 Collection

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd will only collect information from individuals when it is reasonably necessary for the performance of its functions and activities, and all such collection will be subject to this policy. The information collected will depend on the individual’s relationship with Velich Advisory Pty Ltd. Sensitive information will only be collected if the individual gives consent or if it is required by law. (“Sensitive information” means information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political, professional or trade association, philosophical beliefs or affiliations, membership of trade union, sexual preferences or practices, or criminal record).

‘Cookies’ – Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may make use of first-party cookies, such as Google Analytics, to gather valuable information about marketing activity and how users move around the website. This enables us to understand how the site is used and to make improvements. The information we gather by use of cookies does not include personally identifying information.

3.2 Use

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd uses personal information for the purpose for which it was collected. This information may be used for secondary purposes which directly relate to the primary purpose of collection. For example, an individual may be required to fill in a form to request a website assessment and Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may use these contact details to send information regarding, or related to, this.

Contact information held by Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may also be used to inform individuals of special offers or additional services provided by Velich Advisory Pty Ltd. Where required or appropriate, the individual contacted will be provided with the option of not receiving further communication of this nature (such as a newsletter) from Velich Advisory Pty Ltd in the future.

3.3 Disclosure

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd does not sell any of the personal information it collects. Velich Advisory Pty Ltd will disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected or for a secondary purpose if it directly relates to the primary purpose.

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may engage third parties to perform certain business functions. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to disclose personal information to those suppliers. Where disclosure takes place, Velich Advisory Pty Ltd seeks to ensure that personal information is handled in accordance with the Australian National Privacy Principles. Velich Advisory Pty Ltd requires third parties to sign a confidentiality agreement. Information will not be disclosed where to do so would breach other statutory or legal obligations.

3.4 Security

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd undertakes to protect personal information from unauthorised use, access, disclosure and alteration. Staff must comply with Velich Advisory Pty Ltd’s policy on the handling of personal information. IT protection systems and internal procedures are also utilised to protect the personal information held by Velich Advisory Pty Ltd.

3.5 Correction

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd seeks to maintain the accuracy of personal information. Individuals are encouraged to contact Velich Advisory Pty Ltd if the information held is incorrect or to notify Velich Advisory Pty Ltd if personal information has changed. Changes to personal details can be made by contacting the privacy officer by email:

3.6 Period of retention

Information will be held until there is no longer a business or legal need to retain it. Velich Advisory Pty Ltd shall not retain the personal information of any person for longer than necessary.

3.7 Access

A request in writing from that individual will be required to access their information. Access will be provided unless the request is unreasonable or the Australian National Privacy Principles permit or require Velich Advisory Pty Ltd to decline that access. As permitted by law, a fee may be requested to cover the cost of access. That individual, prior to any such request, should check any queries regarding an individual’s personal online information.

4. Particular provisions and information use

In addition to the above, the following provisions apply:

4.1 Clients and trainees

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd holds personal information about clients and trainees, which is used to conduct Velich Advisory Pty Ltd business, including for the purpose of education, training and assessment and for other purposes set out in this policy. It may be disclosed to Velich Advisory Pty Ltd staff.

Personal information may be disclosed where required by law. Any information provided to Velich Advisory Pty Ltd will be used and disclosed in the manner set out in this policy. Failure to provide this information may prevent Velich Advisory Pty Ltd from adequately delivering its services. Further information regarding the use and disclosure of personal information may be provided at the point of collection.

4.2 Online advertising

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may use third-party tracking cookies for online advertising activity, such as Google Ads (AdWords). These cookies are used to provide information on advertising performance and don’t collect or store personal information. With Google Ads, only pages containing the Google conversion code are tracked once a searcher clicks on an advert to enter Velich Advisory Pty Ltd’s website. Google Ads cookies expire after 30 days.

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may also implement Google Analytics Advertising Features, such as Remarketing or Demographics and Interests Reporting which is anonymised data used for website visitor analysis and advertising. Website visitors may opt out of these settings through Ad Settings on Google, or by using the Google Analytics Opt-out browser extension.

4.3 External suppliers

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd discloses information to some external suppliers, including web designers, when entering into some agreed transactions. This information will be handled in accordance with the Australian National Privacy Principles. It will not be utilised for any other purpose and only disclosed to suppliers for the contracted purpose. Failure by an external supplier to act in accordance with Velich Advisory Pty Ltd’s privacy policy may result in the termination of their relationship with Velich Advisory Pty Ltd.

5. Complaints and concerns

If you have any concerns about Velich Advisory Pty Ltd’s handling of personal information, please contact us via phone or email. Access requests must be in writing and resolution of concerns will be sought as promptly as possible.

6. Changes to Velich Advisory Pty Ltd privacy policy

Velich Advisory Pty Ltd may modify or amend this policy at any time provided the policy still complies with the relevant privacy legislation. Information will be held and used in accordance with the privacy policy, as amended from time to time. Formal notice of amendments will not ordinarily be given, but the latest version of the policy can be accessed via Velich Advisory Pty Ltd website, or by contacting Velich Advisory Pty Ltd.

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